Interview with Singer/songwriter Lux Lyall

London-based singer/songwriter Lux Lyall has a deep, intense love for the glitz and glamour of old school Hollywood. She collects miniature carousels and dollhouses as well as being devoted to her cat, and would like to formally apologize to her friends and neighbors for the uncontrollable screaming at odd hours of the night.
Her new song ‘Switchblade Baby’ was released on the 5th September and was directly inspired by Lux’s friends from around the world. The track is a luscious and enticing affair, layered with elegant and alluring instrumentation that waltzes beneath Lux’s emotive and sultry voice.
Looking back, what were some of your earliest entries into music appreciation? And music production?
My earliest entry to music appreciation was probably hearing Nirvana as a kid (Thanks to my eldest brother) and music production I didn’t start seriously until I started my first band, Sister Witch, with David Ryder Prangley at 20.
If you could paint a picture of your unique sound, what would it look like?
Falling asleep with a lit cigarette in your hand and your make up still on and inevitably setting fire to the hotel room duvet. Housekeeping?.Help.
What are some of your key musical influences?
The place I grew up, walking home alone after a party in the summertime, old movies, warm baths. Oh and like anything Chino Moreno does.
What’s on your current playlist?
Maria Callas
Cat Power
Alexandra Savior
The soundtrack to Breakfast at Tiffany’s by Henry Mancini
Take us through your songwriting process. Are there any particular steps you take when putting music together?
I write lyrics whenever I can, on my phone, scraps of paper, old receipts and envelopes. Then I’ll usually meet up with my writing partner David, and we’ll pull something together. Or my boyfriend will be playing a beautiful riff I really love over and over for a few days and Ill finally gather the courage to steal it. After asking, of course.
What gets your creative juices flowing?
Trauma. Kidding, kind of. Sometimes just walking around London on my own or general things that have been going on in my life. Everything tends to stay sleepy and dormant in the back of my mind until the most inconvenient of times honestly.
As an artist, it becomes apparent that there is a huge difference between the art and the business. Is there anything about the music scene that you would personally change?
There’s probably a few things. I think the whole idea of promoting yourself on social media is weird. Maybe I’m just lazy about posting on my music accounts but, I like creating the art, It just feels strange a lot of the time to talk about it on Instagram or whatever and wait for recognition from people on the internet. It’s weird I’ll get a bigger response from a selfie, which is just my face on a good day and less of a response when I post about working or writing or being inspired by someone.
Tell us about the chemistry you have with your fans on stage.
Most of my ‘fans’ are really my friends! So it’s just kinda beautiful when your best buds are down the front of a little bar singing along to your songs when you can’t remember sending them the lyrics at any point and realize they just know them. That’s always sweet.
What is the most memorable response you have had to your music?
I once finished playing a gig with my old band on a weird bill where it was us, and three metal bands. I was wearing like this white frilly tablecloth looking outfit and we did a grungey cover of an old Lana Del Rey song, and the other bands spent most of the beginning of the evening scoffing at us. When we finished and I was getting off the stage some of the guys were like “Hey that was ACTUALLY pretty good”, I thought that was funny.
What would you like to achieve with your music? What does success look like to you?
Success to me is hearing other artists whose opinions I hold in very high regard saying they like what I do and understand where I’m coming from. That’s happening at the moment and it really means a lot to me.
Breakdown the news for us: what can we expect from you in the near future?
Two more videos, an album in April 2020 and hopefully some live shows soon!
Famous last words?
“Pardonnez-moi, monsieur.” Oh no wait, those were Marie Antoinette’s last words. She stepped on the executioner’s foot.