Pure X Continue To Progress Their Sound With Latest Album ‘Angel’


Pure X’s sound has changed drastically since they first began. Initially they were drone rock, thick in sound, low, slow and dense. Whilst this wasn’t a bad thing, their second album ‘Crawling Up The Stairs’ was their first step away from their original sound from debut album ‘Pleasure’. Angel is another step in this direction, making the album appaeal to a broader variety of listeners. The album feels more like a love story in a sense, tracks like ‘Livin’ The Dream’, ‘Heaven’ and ‘Starlight’ are clean sounding and great examples of good song-writing. This may upset some of their original fans but to a new listener there is nothing not to like about this album. Some of their roots come through on tracks like ‘Rain’. Check out the video for the single ‘Heaven’ below.